Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat

I’m curious about this product from Perfect Path Technologies and would like to hear from those that have experience with it. I’ve bought and used the Total Contact enhancer and like what it does for my system so I’m interested in hearing how this Omega E mat performs. 
Hey Mac48025,
 Timmy sometimes tells new customers to try the Ecards on  their crossovers;  it's a huge bang for the buck. <3  Report back what you think??? <3  Enjoy <3 Krissy <3

Hi, as I mentioned in my post I am busy renovating so at the moment there is nothing really for me to try the TC on. All kit is packed away because it is like a sand storm inside the house when I am grinding and chasing walls and concrete floor for heating and lighting.

We do have a small room away from the mess where we can relax and watch TV. In this room we have an Oppo, small amp and little bookshelf speakers. I could place a mat on the Oppo but should it go on top or underneath and which way should the label face?  Also I do not wish to treat any connections yet as I want to hear the improvements taking place when I finally reassemble my main system. I will be adding room treatments and would not like to confuse the results of this with the PPT products.

I have a mat against the circuit breakers. There is no steel box enclosing the breakers so I have placed a piece of cardboard between the mat and breakers to prevent any shorts. Is it the steel box surrounding the breakers that has a deleterious effect on sound and the mat somehow reduces or prevents this? What I am asking is if the mat will still improve things although there is no proper box.

BTW did you ever get around to listening to Filippa Giordano that I recommended when I last addressed you?
lemonhaze ...

1.  Try the Mat either way ... on top, or beneath the Oppo. 

2.  Try pasting the Oppo's connections ... the IC's and the PC. 

3.  I don't know the answer to the "steel box" question.

4.  Yes, I did listen to every Filippa Giordano recording offered on Spotify. Thanks for the recommendation.

She has a beautiful voice, no doubt. Unfortunately, the recordings are very processed, using too much artificial digital reverb for my taste. I like natural sounding recordings. A little of that reverb is ok, but too much is too much.

I understand why many folks like it, as it makes the sound stage appear larger and more cavernous. Not my cup of tea though. I predict that once you have your system up and running using the TC and the E Mats that you will be hearing a lot more of that processing in some of your recordings as well. :-)

Take care ...

Thanks Krissy, I shall do so. I had a feeling being near the crossovers would be best. It will be a good excuse to get inside the speakers and paste the wiring, connections and caps within before blue tacking the cards to the crossovers. Results at 11 😀
Frank, I would think that artificial digital reverb wouldn’t be your cup of ’coffee’! :)