Hi, as I mentioned in my post I am busy renovating so at the moment there is nothing really for me to try the TC on. All kit is packed away because it is like a sand storm inside the house when I am grinding and chasing walls and concrete floor for heating and lighting.
We do have a small room away from the mess where we can relax and watch TV. In this room we have an Oppo, small amp and little bookshelf speakers. I could place a mat on the Oppo but should it go on top or underneath and which way should the label face? Also I do not wish to treat any connections yet as I want to hear the improvements taking place when I finally reassemble my main system. I will be adding room treatments and would not like to confuse the results of this with the PPT products.
I have a mat against the circuit breakers. There is no steel box enclosing the breakers so I have placed a piece of cardboard between the mat and breakers to prevent any shorts. Is it the steel box surrounding the breakers that has a deleterious effect on sound and the mat somehow reduces or prevents this? What I am asking is if the mat will still improve things although there is no proper box.
BTW did you ever get around to listening to Filippa Giordano that I recommended when I last addressed you?
Hi, as I mentioned in my post I am busy renovating so at the moment there is nothing really for me to try the TC on. All kit is packed away because it is like a sand storm inside the house when I am grinding and chasing walls and concrete floor for heating and lighting.
We do have a small room away from the mess where we can relax and watch TV. In this room we have an Oppo, small amp and little bookshelf speakers. I could place a mat on the Oppo but should it go on top or underneath and which way should the label face? Also I do not wish to treat any connections yet as I want to hear the improvements taking place when I finally reassemble my main system. I will be adding room treatments and would not like to confuse the results of this with the PPT products.
I have a mat against the circuit breakers. There is no steel box enclosing the breakers so I have placed a piece of cardboard between the mat and breakers to prevent any shorts. Is it the steel box surrounding the breakers that has a deleterious effect on sound and the mat somehow reduces or prevents this? What I am asking is if the mat will still improve things although there is no proper box.
BTW did you ever get around to listening to Filippa Giordano that I recommended when I last addressed you?