Budget Music Streamer

I've been trying to get my head around best sound out of a budget streamer. All my CD collection is now in my portable 2TB hard drive as FLAC files and I also have subscription to Apple Music (large playlist). Currently using Apple TV and Airport Express (airplay limiting to 16 bit/44.1kHz) and Apple TV streaming at 48kHz. I have a revealing system and know I can get better sonics by upgrading my digital source. Unfortunately I have been blessed with a good ear for music.  

There are quite a few options out there, each having it's limitations, specially the ability to play Apple music directly from iTunes using a remote without limiting the sampling rate. Do I consider a Mac Mini or build my Raspberry Pi source? Will I get a spdif connection (preference) out of the two? Is there remote control capability to view playlist (I don't intend to hook up a monitor). Or is there a better solution out there for both listening to FLAC files on hard drive and streaming Apple Music? I plan on selling my OPPO player - no use to me, to fund a better DAC (schiit Yggdrasil or BorderPatrol) - hence the digital source is on a budget. Experts chime in..

Simaudio W5 poweramp
Von Schweikerts VR4 
OPPO 105 
Apple TV (using Kanexpro HDMI de-embedder to extract audio - coax in DAC)
Airport Express (optical in DAC)
Benchmark DAC1 (no USB) - used as preamp
Marantz AV7701 preamp
Morrow Audio interconnects 
@ghulamr - I have been streaming 3 systems wirelessly for 8 years and added a fourth for my wife over a year ago and I have never observed a dropout with either an Airport Express or Apple TV. My router is an Apple Airport Extreme.

My wife's system is a budget system using an integrated amp with a built in DAC. In my 3 systems I am using Emotiva XDA-2 DACs. I know many people on this forum will trash them but to me these were a great buy at $200 each new from Emotiva. 
A reclocker will always help. And good idea trying the OPPO.
  Also, I strongly believe in using a high quality digital coax to the DAC, either from your source or from the reclocker.

Also, it's possible an aftermarket fuse may relieve some of the digititis and provide smoother sonics, but it won't change the sonic signature of the DAC.

Not sure if I see value in the aftermarket digital streamers like Auralic Aries or Node2. First I plan on using an external DAC and secondly they all use Airplay which down samples to 44.1kHz. So where's the value unless you are using Hi-Res streaming?
The Node 2 can play FLAC files and does MQA.  You don't _have_ to use Airplay (I don't).

I played around a little with my system in the last 2 hours and I think I have hit a sweet spot.

I switched to using OPPO as the em-bedder from my Apple TV - tweaked the Audio Format set up to point coaxial output to Bitstream in OPPO and my oh my the sound changed to a perfect balance. Not too ‘digital’ sounding and not too warm. Just perfect. When I changed the setting to 192k LCM the sound sounded too sterile and ‘artificially digital’ - I guess it tried to upsample - which I did not like. Bitstream was perfect. 

I compared the sound to Airport Express (TOSLink to DAC) - the coaxial sounded a tad bit airy, just rightly detailed with better lower end punch. 

Also called Benchmark and they recommended against any mods like fuses or power cable. I think cables make a difference - we have our opinions. They also said no to re-clockers which is valid as the DAC has a solid clock and jitter reduction. 

Great that you're moving forward. Now try an audiophile cable, you only need a 12 or 14 gauge.
I'm a real believer in the difference cables can make.