Anyone use Next Acoustics room treatments?

Found this company online and am curious about their sound absorbing foam products. It was started by the ex-Auralex guys. Has anyone used their stuff?

Next Acoustics

"'If you’re at all unsure about our test numbers, drop us a line at and we’ll e-mail you the test results.'

Why not post them on the website?"

E-mailed them last Tuesday for specs. Haven't heard back. I guess I will try the phone sometime tomorrow.

I tried emailing them also, but never got a response.

I was able to talk to them (Dave Paxton) on the phone, and he was very helpful with suggestions about the best way to treat my room. He even suggested I send in a sketch of my room and he'd look at it and give me the best solution.

But after some research and Kal's suggestions, I ended up going a different route, and got some DIY frames and cotton insulation. I'm quite happy with the results.

I placed an online order December 24th, 2018, it's status is still awaiting fullfillment. I have placed calls, left messages, sent emails, posted on Facebook, sent a message via their website and I have not received any communications what so ever. They took my money immediately. I am now left to pursue other means to get my money back.
Hopefully you used PayPal or a credit card.If so they will get your $ back for you.
A reputable company to check out in the future is GIK acoustics.