Hi Mark,
First of all, the L509U costs alot more than the L590. In Japan, the L509U costs close to $2,000 more. In USA however, they cost the same. Do not be deceived by the appearance of equivalence created by the US distributor between these two units. The 509U is the best sounding amp I have ever heard. It will also last you longer than a class-A. The 509U goes with the Luxman DU-80 universal music player. It is the best player, and will run circles around Wadia 381. Parsifal ovations is an excellent choice for the front towers. For the rear, I would recommend Wilson or Parsifal. Having A and B on with the four speakers is an incredible quadrophonic sound. As you are apparently willing to spend this kind of money, I advise you to go for the ultimate system. Thanks, Renjy651.
First of all, the L509U costs alot more than the L590. In Japan, the L509U costs close to $2,000 more. In USA however, they cost the same. Do not be deceived by the appearance of equivalence created by the US distributor between these two units. The 509U is the best sounding amp I have ever heard. It will also last you longer than a class-A. The 509U goes with the Luxman DU-80 universal music player. It is the best player, and will run circles around Wadia 381. Parsifal ovations is an excellent choice for the front towers. For the rear, I would recommend Wilson or Parsifal. Having A and B on with the four speakers is an incredible quadrophonic sound. As you are apparently willing to spend this kind of money, I advise you to go for the ultimate system. Thanks, Renjy651.