driving Verity Audio Parsifal Ovations?

I am considering driving these speakers with a high quality integrated amp such as the Luxman 590A11 (pure class A, 30 wpc) or the Luxman 509u (class AB, 120 wpc).

Has anyone been happy with Luxman or other integrated amps such as Pass etc driving the Parsifal Ovations?



Hi Mark,

First of all, the L509U costs alot more than the L590. In Japan, the L509U costs close to $2,000 more. In USA however, they cost the same. Do not be deceived by the appearance of equivalence created by the US distributor between these two units. The 509U is the best sounding amp I have ever heard. It will also last you longer than a class-A. The 509U goes with the Luxman DU-80 universal music player. It is the best player, and will run circles around Wadia 381. Parsifal ovations is an excellent choice for the front towers. For the rear, I would recommend Wilson or Parsifal. Having A and B on with the four speakers is an incredible quadrophonic sound. As you are apparently willing to spend this kind of money, I advise you to go for the ultimate system. Thanks, Renjy651.

I have watching this thread and other of your related threads with growing interest. You apparently like Luxman as do I. Are you open to the idea of seperates? If so, the Luxman MQ-88 tube amp and its preamp counterpart are close to your ~ $10K ceiling. There are mint condition demos of each on eBay that are going for ~ $4.7K and ~ $2.8K, respectively. I have the MQ-88 in my primary system and love it. It is class A, I believe 50 watts per channel, built like a tank as are all Luxman components, and sound to die for. An incredible combination of all of the best of tube and SS amplification. I have heard that amplifier easily drive speakers similar (or worse) in impedance challenge to the PO's, with ease and great musical results. I realize you prefer to buy new, but thought that mint condition demo units might be something you would be willing to consider.

Good luck!
Thanks for the suggestions.

I have a Sonic Frontiers 50 wpc tube amp, and though I love some aspects of the tube experience, I will not miss tubes burning out or blowing-up and taking out parts of the circuit with it. In my 17 year old relationship, it has had to go out for service at least three times, and it has been re-tubed even more times than that. I am ready for the ease and (hopefully) rock solid reliabilkty of a high quality solid state amp.

The combination of the Parsifals with the Luxman 509u integrated (or 590Aii) and DU-80 cdp (or D-06) is what I am leaning towards.




I understand why you would want to go the SS route after what you have experienced with tubes! I am a recent tube convert and have yet to "enjoy" my first tube fiasco. Never met a tube amp I liked enough to switch from SS until I heard the MQ-88.

Don Better of Don Better Audio is a friend of mine and my audio dealer. The lines he carries include Verity and Luxman. According to him the Parsifal Ovations are a bit difficult to drive and harder to properly place in a room than the other smaller Verity speakers. That was enough to steer me in the direction of the Fidelio Encores. I will see if he has an opinion he would like to share as to which of the Luxman integrateds he believes would be better with the Parsifal Ovations.

All The Best,

Thanks Steven. I think that your tube amp is at a much higher quality level than mine, so hopefully it will not be damaged when a tube burns out. Tubes are wonderful when all goes well (which can be years at a stretch).

As I mentioned earlier, I have heard the Parsifals driven by the 20 wpc class A Luxman integrated (550), a combination that worked surprisingly well. It was for demo purposes only as it was the only Luxman integrated on hand in the shop. I would certainly go with a more powerful Luxman integrated amp, and would be interested to hear Don's opinion on this.

Enjoy the MQ-88!

