driving Verity Audio Parsifal Ovations?

I am considering driving these speakers with a high quality integrated amp such as the Luxman 590A11 (pure class A, 30 wpc) or the Luxman 509u (class AB, 120 wpc).

Has anyone been happy with Luxman or other integrated amps such as Pass etc driving the Parsifal Ovations?



I used to drive my Parsifals with the Tenor and didn't find it as very musical. I next switched to the CAT JL2, which was a vast improvement. I now have the Music Rerefence RM9 SE and this is the best combo by far. I A/B'ed the CAT and the Musical Reference and the RM9 SE/Parsifal was way superior to the CAT/Parsifal Combo. I think you'll be hard pressed to beat this, especially when using the Wiwires I/C's and speaker cables.
I was using a Cary SLI-80 to drive my Fidelios with great success. However when I upgraded to the Parsifal Encores the Cary sounded a bit thin and became very midrange heavy. I swithced to a BAT VK300x SE integrated and problem solved. In my experience it seems the Parsifals benefit from more power. Even at lower levels (majority of my listening) the power really helps fill out the lower range.
Any new perspectives on this issue? I'm in the market for a new amp for my P/E's. Tubes need not apply, and I need at least 200wpc, preferably monoblocks - budget up to $7000 used. There are a few pairs of reasonably priced Classe CA-M400 listed. 400wpc overkill may be?

Just curious about the 200 wpc minimum. What's driving (pardon the pun) that requirement?


BTW, I have successfully used the SS Odyssee mono amps with my P/Es (in that output neighborhood and well below your stated budget). Might not be the most memorable pairing, but certainly worked well enough.
If you can find a Berning zh270 used run, don't putts to buy it. It is stunning with the Verity Parsifal Encore. If the Ovation is a similar load, I am not in the know on this, the results should be equally compelling. I doubt you will find a MUCH better matchup and I guarantee you could get much less for a lot more. As stated the Berning isn't currently in production but it is STELLAR with the Verity Parsifal Encore. My experience with the Verity lineup is limited but I sure like the Ovation, Parsifal Encore and Sarastros I've listened to. This is not a hype, as the owner of a Berning for the last 9 years and having heard it on numerous loudspeakers including my Merlin VSM the Berning/Verity matchup was the best I've heard. I most certainly would have bought a pair after this experience other than room considerations.

You have invested quite a bit on a really fine loudspeaker please, please don't compromise what it can deliver on a 30 watt integrated amp. The Berning is the most user friendly tube amp I am aware of including long lasting tube life, probably longer than many transistors on some amps. You can have the best of both the tube and SS world without sacrificing anything. One cavaet, you are looking for an integrated, the zh270 while not an integrated will permit you to run directly from your source component to the amp but it DOES benefit from a preamp. If this is out of the question in your situation, please disregard the above. My infatuation with this amplifier is neverending and I can say this only concerning this amplifier, nothing else in audio. It can bring music into your listening environment as few components can and it doesn't cost a fortune for this benefit. Of course there are the usual cavaets as in all things audio, YMMV. Price used around 4-4.5K which you could easily resell for same.