People That Have Upgraded From Harbeth 30.1s....

.... what speaker did you buy? 
I'm not surprised dhcod, the 30.1 is a fantastic speaker.  My preference tends towards a mellow sound and the 7es3 to my ears offers that.  I did not have the luxury of auditioning both speakers in my home, only an afternoon at the dealer.  Comparing them side by side in your listening room what differences did you notice?
The sound of 30.1 is just more refined. It handles delicate things better. Bass is less but it is punchy. The 30.1 tweeter is a tough to beat. I'm considering trying at home a set of Raidho C1.1s that my dealer has.
If you like your speakers to make music, as opposed to just playing the notes, Harbeths are one of the better choices. Some people want their speakers to give them audio thrills; others prefer to listen to music.
I find Harbeth speakers, generally speaking, to be very well balanced.  For me they do a nice job across a wide variety of music.  Really big rich recordings sound rich, but not overly so.  Thinner recordings still have some juice and still sound good.
I remember concurring with a reviewer who said something like "With the Harbeth, everything is presented at the correct level.  Mixes sound right."