***Going Insane***End Game Speakers***Harbeth Verity or Living Voice***

Had been enjoying the LSA Monitor 1’s driven by the wonderful little Quad VA-One tube amp for the last 6 months when a nice Christmas Bonus was turned into a gently used pair of Fritz Carbon 7SE’s just this week...Within 24 hours of setting them up I hit the slots for a neat chunk o change and if I moved the Carbon 7’s out I could afford either the Harbeth M30.2 Anniversary or the Living Voice Avatar R3 or a pair of Demo Verity Audio Finn’s...No way to demo either the Verity or the Living Voice...Amp likely will not change as I REALLY love the sound the little Quad amp makes so it’s 15wpc. would be absolute minimum power on the Harbeths,not to bad into the 8ohm/91 db.Finns & would probably rock the Living Voice at 94db.sensitivity..If I ever do change amps it would be for a SimAudio Moon 240i...
Room size is apx.12’x14’x8’,well treated and I value an organic,natural sound with good timbre,soundstaging & imaging..What do you guys think?
I can’t speak for the other two speakers but in my opinion the verity line really starts to get good at the Parsifal level.  Over the years I’ve owned the Tamino Finn and Parsifal Encore.
In my experience, your amp will not have enough drive for the Harbeth's. See if you can find a used pair of Daedalus Audio speakers--maybe the Athena or call Lou and see what he can do on a pair of Muse Studio's. Either will rival the 30.1 in the midrange and better them elsewhere AND they will love your 20 watt Quad.