Best practices - cleaning contacts!

Hello audiophiles-

I’ve had my existing equipment for about 3 years and have never cleaned contacts.  Should I do this?  I am wondering what best products and practices are for doing so?  What’s your method?  How often do you do this?  Also do I clean just the input jacks or am I also cleaning banana plugs and jacks on interconnects and metal prongs on power cords?

(And in the immediate, I am just blowing pressurized air, but wondering if something more serious would be a good idea at some point.)

Please advise!  Thanks-
Thanks, everyone!  Super helpful.

Love the dental bits.  So smart. 

For cleaning off banana plugs, though, would these wipes be a good choice?
I'll get myself some VIVA paper towels and get started! 

Just two other questions:
Should I expect brightness in my system for a few hours or days after I do this?
You polish cds, Elizabeth?  What is that about???
Many thanks!!!

It probably goes without saying all contacts in the house should be cleaned and/or conditionied once in a while, i.e., all wall outlets and plugs for fridge, TVs, computer, lamps, air purifier, what have you. All circuits feed into the audio circuit.
It really depends on the material that your contacts are made of.

If your contacts are gold plated, than cleaning is very simple because gold is not reactive and does not oxidize or corrode. The major contaminant that coats a gold surface are hydrocarbons, although there may be some salts that are on the surface from hand contact. None of these are chemically bonded and are easily removed with any alcohol; methanol, ethanol, or isopropyl. More aggressive cleaners are not needed for gold plated contacts. 

If your contacts are copper, silver, brass or another metal than a more aggressive cleaner like Deoxit can be used.
Post removed 
Wow!  I am amazed!

Sounds like a good winter project.
Thanks to all for all the good advice.
