Harbeth Super HL5 Plus speakers & integrated amp pairing recommendations

I'm seeking suggestions for an integrated amp to match with a pair of Harbeth Super HL5 Plus speakers that I recently acquired. I listen to mostly smooth jazz via streaming or CDs, no vinyl.  My listening room measures 22' x 22' with 11' ceilings.  I welcome your recommendations for integrated amps.  Thank you. 
I like @jackd suggestion. I'm using a Accuphase E600. It works for me well in my small listening room with a REL B3 sub. The E600 was expensive but I got a deal on a demo which is why I own it and I love it but at full retain it's too much money (maybe).

I got carried away reading the hype on LFD on the Harbeths forum. Ordered one and it was no where as good as my little Bryston B135-sst2 integrated. Luckily i was able to return it. I was pairing it with HL5 plus also.
My next amp was the Pass Int-60 and it sounded great with the Harbeths
The Vac 170iq integrated would be my present choice as I have turned to tubes now. With continuous biasing the amp is trouble free and operates the tubes at their optimum.  I am so smitten with their equipment. 

+1 for the Vinnie Rossi LIO with the HL5+.  I heard this combo at the Newport show a few years ago and it’s burned into memory.
I would look at the Modwright KWI 200 if you want an integrated.  It's a fantastic piece, and you could prob fit in your budget if you can find one used.

Good luck.