Treated my interconnects with Deoxit D5 today

I have a nice audio system and had a great notion to clean all my connections with alcohol and treat all the connections with Deoxit D5.  I did all the fuses as well.  Well, the result is that the system now sounds flat and lifeless as hell... way different than I previously heard.  What's up with this?  I am crestfallen...
As Elizabeth, I prefer the 100% solution in a small bottle with an applicator brush. Caig offers a kit (K-DG100L-2DB) that contains a 7.4mL bottle each of both the Red and Gold cleaner (along with brushes and cloths) that Markertek sells for $25.99, the best price I found.
At any rate, the former splendor of my system has now returned and I am hearing just what I heard before my connection-cleaning foray. Go figure. Erik was exactly right. Thanks again for the input from you wise fellows.

Thanks for the kind words. :)

This has happened to me too. Not because I cleaned the connections, but because I turned everything off.

Normal De-Oxit (use the 100% solution) is mainly a contact cleaner and not enhancer so it should be completely wiped off with a microfiber cloth.

For contact enhancers I'd use Stabilant 22 gel concentrate (I've bought it for around $80 off of eBay, much better than the diluted stuff, the bottle is also large and can treat your entire house multiple times over), De-Oxit Gold 100% (significantly thicker and a better enhancer than the normal solutions, about $20-25 gets you a decent sized little glass container), Furutech Nano-Liquid (doesn't last as long as the previous two, but is a more powerful enhancer, costs nearly $200 though and the bottle is the smallest of the lot), or Mad Scientist Audio's Graphene Enhancer (most potent enhancer, only just started using it in the past couple of months, so not sure about lasting effects, seems to form a shell around the contacts though, $50 gets you a 5 oz. bottle which is a lot). I've seen and heard changes for the better with all of these. I know there are other enhancers, but I have not tried them. Usually with video at least everything looks better at first then settles a bit as the days go by. Audio I can't recall to the same extent as I last tweaked my video.

Pop quiz - What are the odds half the fuses are in the wrong direction?

Pop quiz, Part 2 - What are the odds all the fuses are in the wrong direction?