I think the OP is asking about detail - not necessarily the most neutral/accurate (Harbeth)
What's your amp. If its a flea powered amp - then you need an easy load such as an Avantgarde Horn - but by the same token very sensitive speakers pick up and play amp noise. Something like MAgico's need power but the amps that drive them have low noise - from that you tend to have more 'blackness' from which more details emerge (that is in-simplicita)
What's your amp. If its a flea powered amp - then you need an easy load such as an Avantgarde Horn - but by the same token very sensitive speakers pick up and play amp noise. Something like MAgico's need power but the amps that drive them have low noise - from that you tend to have more 'blackness' from which more details emerge (that is in-simplicita)