Speakers with the most detailed midrange? (non-ESL/planar)

Anyone care to give their opinion on what dynamic speaker has the most detailed/revealing midrange? Not including electrostatics or planar speakers. Approximately between the frequencies of 400Hz to 3kHz. Also, just to clarify what I mean by detail: when there is a musical passage that entails many different layers of instruments, the speakers' ability to separate all the elements so all the instruments are heard clearly and nothing is obscured. Also the ability to retrieve every last bit of information on a recording, such as random sounds in the studio, distortion in recordings and reverb tails.

As far as price goes... 2 categories... below $12,000 USD (new) and any price range. Thanks.
I think the OP is asking about detail - not necessarily the most neutral/accurate (Harbeth)
What's your amp. If its a flea powered amp - then you need an easy load such as an Avantgarde Horn - but by the same token very sensitive speakers pick up and play amp noise. Something like MAgico's need power but the amps that drive them have low noise - from that you tend to have more 'blackness' from which more details emerge (that is in-simplicita) 


Interesting. I have tried to like Monitor Audio. Certainly the detail is there but the lack of driver integration makes them sound so artificial. Just so obvious that you are listening to two or more drivers.

My ears are becoming more and more accustomed to the MA Studio. Or am I burning in the speakers? Well, I believe the first.. Listening to Charlie Musselwhite tonight "One night in America" (Telarc) and "Sanctuary" and I think the Studio’s doing a great job. His harmonica sounds just fine. Great imaging. It might be that MA eventually have succeeded here to part the very fast tweeter with two small 4" woofers in a d’appolito setting. The woofers are "free". Not screwed in the front baffle. Technique taken directly from their top model. One thing is clear. With these ribbons you hear more percussion and cymbals on some records than you possibly want. Listening nearfield at my desk at 1,20 meters. DSPeaker Anti-mode 2.0 to reduce interference from the desk (also DAC), Crossed 80hz to two JBL 310 subs, XTZ edge2 amp 300w d-class driving the Studios, no-name cables. Not a bad experience for rather low cost!
Thanks for the suggestion of the Monitor Audio Studio. Interesting that they are so highly detailed and revealing. How do they compare to the ATC midrange as far as detail goes? I ask because this is my point of reference. 


I've read really good things about Salk as well. 

Do you know when the Seas Graphene drivers are going to be available? This material sounds really ideal for diaphragms.