Tracking Force?

I have a Clearaudio Concept turntable (about 7-8 months now). Beautiful piece of work. It was bought already factory  setup. In 50years of buying records I have only had three turntables and never really bothered too much about doing my own setups.
Last week I bought digital scales for measuring tracking force.
In the Technical details in the manual it states Tracking Force as 2.2 g(+/- 0.2g)
When I placed the scale on platter and lowered the tonearm it read out 3.8.
My thoughts now are: should I alter, that is, tamper with this?  OR Should I trust and go with the factory setup?

If it was me I would back off 3.8, it has to sound dull with that much over recommended force and can't be good for your cartridge. Your range is 2.0 to 2.4 start at 2.4 since you are use to that much weight. Lighten up til you hear highs to your liking, once bass is light go up or down to find a happy medium. 

....just get it in the ballpark, then listen as you raise/lower the rear end of the arm.   When you think you have it right, check the vtf with the scale at the same height as you zeroed the arm...if not, your indication will be wrong.  I would double check the azimuth....I think it is a very important adjustment.
Anyone with a cartridge required to track greater than 2.0 g in this day and age should have his/her head examined.
Anyone with a cartridge required to track greater than 2.0 g in this day and age should have his/her head examined.

Please elaborate.
I don’t know what other misunderstandings pertain but if the max recommended VTF is around 2.0, then 3.8 is likely to collapse the suspension over time and to damage any LP. Don’t do it.