I have been working with the Decware FRX2 driver for years now. I like the midrange that it produces with tube amplification, but not the bass so much. So, I am going with SS power amp driven by a hybred tube pre. AS expected, I have to watch the midrange more, per the SS amplification, and am working towards some kind of balance. In short, these drivers reveal a bit too much on some of the recordings such as rock, and will give up recordings that were 'impressive sounding' through other systems. Given a good clean recording, I prefer these drivers. They have some unusual design concepts, such as a special transformer mounted behind the driver, that adjusts the midrange for better transparency. It affects the frequency response as well as the impedance response? Sorry, you would be better off reading the white papers at the Decware site. In short, you sometimes have to be careful what you wish for. Listening to Jethro Tull right now is great, but an old Fleetwood Mac album before that just made the midrange bite more than it always does with this album (Rumors). Last note, drivers MUST be broken in or you pay the price of hardness and little/weak bass.