Hegel Mohican vs. Bryston BCD-3

If anyone were looking for a single-box CD-player that qualified as a get-off-the-roundabout component, it seems to me that these two models would be high on their shortlist.  So my question is:

Has anybody been able to hear these two models side by side?


"You should look for a player with a computer rom based mechanisim as the computer industry is still using CD Rom drives as an option for some machines".

So can you name some CD players and/or transports that are cd rom based?


FWIW, I have listened to a Bryston BCD2 and Hegel HD20 in my system.

The Bryston CD player sounded analytical, almost strident, in the highs. 

In comparison, the Hegel DAC was much smoother and natural sounding in my opinion.

My system at the time was PL Dialogue Premium, Coda CS and Theil CS5's.

I am not saying that the Bryston was bad; there just was no synergy with the rest of my gear.

Thanks for listening,
