Luxman Integrated - What do they sound like

Hi Everyone,

I'm considering getting myself a late 2018 Christma present or early 2019 birthday present.

Modern Luxman reviews are really hard to come by, and are generally just superlative without being very qualitative. I mean, it's all "rah rah rah!! " and no actual details.
For anyone who has listened to them lately, can you tell me what they actually sound like in comparison to other nice amps I might have heard?

Thank you,

I'm only clarifying what the amp actually puts out, pokey. Nor are all inefficient speakers the same.

"This beast consumes 150 W while idling!! I doubt its just the first 2W. :) "

I’m pretty sure that is what I read in the literature back when I was considering the 509X. The 509X gets slightly warm but never even moderately warm. The 509X sounds excellent with Harbeth SHL5Plus and Wilson Sabrina’s. Pretty good with TAD ME-1s too if I recall correctly.
As there are a bunch of Luxman owners posting here, I'm curious if anyone has experienced any transformer hum--even mild--from a Luxman integrated.  Over the web there are a few reports, mainly from a few years ago, of this kind of issue.
I've had a L590axII in my system for a month now, it replaced a Yamaha a-s2100. I have run el-34 and 300B tubes with the same main speakers. My thoughts...

I like the Lux better (than the Yamaha) all around. Small things mostly.... it has a better system match. To my ears in my room/system the Lux has better low level detail yet retains some bit of warmth- without going overboard.

 I do like the versatility of Loudness button, tone controls, Mono switch, and all sorts of input/ output choices- along with A and B speaker switching. (the Yamaha does share most of those traits) FWIW I run mostly in line straight unless the media/source needs fine tuning for my room/ear.

My main speakers are quite efficient at 100+- DB and the 'B' speakers are probably around 86 +- DB. I agree with others about the Lux possibly running out of steam on lower efficient speakers, tho I never have.

The 590 while testing to a higher level of output (75 or 90 watts into 8 ohm depending on who you want to believe) I think it would be fair to say just pretend it's a 30 watt SS amp with some good headroom.

If you are running some 90+ efficient speakers in a mid size room, 85+ in a small room or 95+ in a larger room you should be OK with the 590- depending on music choice and expectations.

An example of this: At a distance of 5 feet I find my sound level meter sits at 70DB+- on the small 'B' speakers. I switch to 'A' speakers, walk over to more efficient A speakers at 5 feet the same output setting will show a 84+- DB. This is a huge difference that really determines your system matching. 

The 509x could be better with more versatility going forward in speaker choice, depending on what you want to run. I have not heard the 509x, so don't know it's sonic signature.

I like the 590 amp- it gives some hints of what I like about the tube sound- tho I do miss the spatial quality of the 300B a little. It makes up for that compromise in other ways. My main speakers while having some faults,  show great dynamic character which works very well with the 590axII
