Why not horns?

I've owned a lot of speakers over the years but I have never experienced anything like the midrange reproduction from my horns. With a frequency response of 300 Hz. up to 14 Khz. from a single distortionless driver, it seems like a no-brainer that everyone would want this performance. Why don't you use horns?
Herman, I leave the design of speakers to someone else to prevent headaches. I was just pointing out that the crossover can be used to correct time alignment (sometimes this results in the need to reverse the phase of certain drivers as a result), and in fact a crossover will introduce some time alignment issues that might have to be otherwise addressed. I think its a bad idea to rely on that exclusively- doing some physical alignment is important too.
Phase coherency, or lack thereof, is best evaluated by a speaker's ability to reproduce a square wave. The only speaker that I know of that does this well is the original full range Walsh driver.
Eldartford, I believe that some speakers from Dunlavy, Green Mountain, Quad, Vandersteen and Thiel can do a fairly good job of reproducing a square wave too.
The last three posts seem to have wandered away from the subject of "Why Not Horns?". If there is relevance, I can't see it.
The brand names you guys are offering do not offer horns as far as I know so why are they being named? If you want to say something about why you chose a design that isn't horn based, you would be on topic and making a useful contribution but simply shouting out names we all know from the back of the room doesn't really help me answer my question.
I have used and enjoyed Sound Labs, Goldmund, Avalon, Magnapan, QUAD, Aerial Acoustics, NHT, Spendor, B&W, Zu, Vandersteen, and others over the years but these horns I use now provide a sense of "you are there" that my previous speakers did not arouse to the same degree, if at all.
Naturally, I'm not able to speak to "why not horns?" because I use them. Many of the respondents here do not like horns and I'm looking for reasoned explanations as to why not. Simply saying what you like or what another product does that you like does not really add to the discussion.
I am assuming that the majority have no real first hand experience with good horns and therefore no way to comment one way or the other. Some, however, have been pretty assertive about a dislike that has gone unexplained.