Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
Pops - It's interesting that the CS6 has not come up in conversation or as an upgrade candidate. I learned that there was an internally designated CS6.1 with an upgraded midrange (?) and XO. Rob might know what you have. And I, of course, would be interested in what you find out.
Pops - I have not yet made serious direct comparisons, but the two driver scenarios both have trade-offs.

The 3.6 vertical stack makes the listener vertical ear position more critical, the constructive and destructive lobing affects the frequency response. But, each driver gets a controlled wave launch from the stationary baffle.

The CS6 along with the 2.3 and up and 3.7, etc. with the coincident driver greatly solves the first problem. The tweeter is where it is designed to be regardless of the listener position. But, the tweeter sees the midrange cone as its wave launch. Even though its cone shape is engineered as a tweeter wave-guide, that cone is nonetheless moving. I don't really know whether that launch is more or less problematic or just different. I know that the coincident PowerPoints are uncannily integrated. And I also know that the CS2.2 tweeter (3.6 and 5) sounds different and lovely.

Who knows? I hope that by this time next year we will all know more.
For the passive radiator, how solid are the threads on the screws?  How many times do you think they can be removed?  Ideally I guess you only need to remove only once but it would be nice to have a bit of margin in case of errors.
Thank You for the kind words. I, for one, am glad that you found us.
Once your end of the XO project reaches its final configuration, I look forward in meeting you later this year. Keep up the outstanding work!

Happy Listening!
@andy2 my 2.4s have wood inserts for all the driver screws including the radiator. Good thing. Between early reconnaissance, replacing the resistors, and the more recent work I’ve probably taken the radiators off 20+ times. There is a trick to it. Elsewhere I posted instructions from Rob Gillum.