Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat

I’m curious about this product from Perfect Path Technologies and would like to hear from those that have experience with it. I’ve bought and used the Total Contact enhancer and like what it does for my system so I’m interested in hearing how this Omega E mat performs. 
Forgot to mention, talking with Tim is a pleasure.  I've taken the opportunity to do that twice and will likely do so more in the future.  Those of you that have questions that you don't want to ask here, give him a ring! 
Hi tuffy72651: I'm a little confused about the TC. My understanding is that once it's applied, it basically lasts indefinitely until you remove it. You said "When I first got here I connected my system with the original TC on all my connections but the sound after a few weeks never got anywhere  close to how it had sounded before the move". Someone please explain.
I recently put E-Cards between the power cord plugs at the wall outlet and on my power conditioner. I also tacked one to the top of the input connection on my Ethernet cable that feeds my music server.  Really easy to do and heard an immediate improvement. Just FYI.
yoby283 posts01-24-2019 4:47amHi tuffy72651: I'm a little confused about the TC. My understanding is that once it's applied, it basically lasts indefinitely until you remove it. You said "When I first got here I connected my system with the original TC on all my connections but the sound after a few weeks never got anywhere  close to how it had sounded before the move". Someone please explain.

>>>>Too many variables. For example, you could be located over a subway or next door to a broadcast station. There’s a lot more to audio than just plugging a bunch of stuff in the wall and crossing your fingers. 🤞