Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat

I’m curious about this product from Perfect Path Technologies and would like to hear from those that have experience with it. I’ve bought and used the Total Contact enhancer and like what it does for my system so I’m interested in hearing how this Omega E mat performs. 
Golf rules:
Thank you for your comprehensive report on your use of Total Contact. It makes for a good check list to treat one’s System.
David Pritchard

    All the connections between the interconnects and components, speaker cables & terminals and between power cords and iec's or outlets were severed for my move. When my system was reassembled the sound wasn't even close to what it had been just before the move. I waited two weeks for some type of break in to occur, but decided it was time to bite the bullet and reapply the TC to all the connections again. I used alcohol and deoxit to thoroughly clean all the connections before reapplying the TC.

My understanding is that you can break TC connections once or maybe twice during the first 30 days of the curing process without much degradation.. My system had already gone at least 90 days since the initial application of TC by the time of disassembly right before the move.

Upon reapplying the TC the sound within a few days was already a lot better than it had been before reapplication. I'm at day 43 now since the reapplication and the sound quality is progressing nicely towards where it was before the move.
Well, the E-Card experiment is working out nicely. Like all of the PPT products, it takes time to reach full potential.

As reported above, I put E-Cards inside the equipment on top of the transformers and then also along the sides of the aluminum boxes that the receptacle fits into. Basically, the effect was to "charge up" the receptacles themselves.

The results during the listening session last night with my friend Robert was an even more solid 3-D effect and much better bass. Lower strings on orchestral recordings were really fleshed out. Gotta love bowed basses and cellos when they are aggressively and beautifully played through a good audio system.

The realism continues to advance. It was even better this morning. How much better can this get? I still can’t believe the sound I’m getting from a pair of Legacy Signature III’s. Amazing, really.

Thank you Tim and Krissy. 

My understanding is that you can break TC connections once or maybe twice during the first 30 days of the curing process without much degradation.. My system had already gone at least 90 days since the initial application of TC by the time of disassembly right before the move.

Upon reapplying the TC the sound within a few days was already a lot better than it had been before reapplication. I’m at day 43 now since the reapplication and the sound quality is progressing nicely towards where it was before the move.

>>>>Not sure why you would think your new abode would sound just like your old abode, most likely an entirely new set of variables in terms of room acoustics, RFI/EMI, seismic vibration, House AC wiring, local power company or transformer, perhaps others...perhaps others beyond scope of the discussion.
About a week and a half ago, I bluetacked an Alpha card on the back of each speaker, where I believe the crossover is. I already had two stacked Omegas on top of each speaker, so I wasn’t sure what to expect. They have settled in, and I am hearing another nice improvement in naturalness, clarity, and musical detail 😁