DeoxIT on tube pins

I remember reading that this is not to be done & only a comprehensive clean using fine grit paper.

What's the general consensus?

@stevecham  that's primarily why I asked - I too have fairly recently fitted NOS Telefunken tubes. I cleaned the slightly tarnished pins as good as I could (one tip I read was to use a very sharp craft nice & gently scrape the pins to expose a clean surface) wipe with a lint free cloth but not apply DeoxIT.
Personally, the mechanical movement of pulling out the "appliance" (plug, tube etc) will remove the oxidation at the the areas of contact and renew the new metals to each other. Of course there are other manual or chemical ways to clean the pins/sockets and also to "bind" the area of contact.
What is “wrong” with using pro gold, once you have cleaned the pins with their solvent?
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