Nuforce STA200

I am curious about the Nuforce STA200 amplifier  If anyone has experience with the amp it would be appreciated if you would share your listening impressions, both good and bad.  Some of the descriptions I have read classify it as a class AB amp and others a class D amp.  I am not technical savvy about these things, can a single amplifier be both? 
With my current speakers at 89dB, it rarely ever gets even warm, and I can’t go beyond a quarter turn with my passive pre amp before it gets uncomfortably loud.  Not sure if that translates into having the headroom for a driver that’s 84dB.  I know that every 3dB increase in volume requires twice the power.  So this new driver at 84 dB could require nearly 4 times the power play at the same level.
Post removed 
Removed my last post because it was about another amplifier, rather than the STA 200. Sorry for not keeping the thread on track. Enjoy ! MrD.
Okay guys, sorry for the super delayed response but I wanted to try every option I had before posting another reply to the thread. I tried switching out to different interconnects (both are cheap options but I know both of them are shielded), but the same noise is present (hiss in the tweeters and hum in the mid range driver). So I went ahead and ordered an Emotiva CMX-2, which I just received tonight. I plugged everything in and the same noise is present. About a week ago I went around the house and unplugged electronics to no avail, and we don’t have any dimmers in the house. So, I just requested for a replacement of the amp through amazon. I should be getting the replacement on the 31st. I’ll make an update once I get to plug that thing in. Thanks for everyone’s help! I really appreciate it.

I wanted to thank you all for sharing your experiences with the STA-200. I am a new, happy owner of the amp and I would not be without the benefit of your experience.

I was a pretty serious budget-oriented audiophile once upon a time. But after decades of faithful service, I knew it was time to replace my Audible Illusions Modulus 2B. The volume pots, replaced once already, were now reliably noisy with any adjustment at all. After some research I brought home a Rogue Audio RP-1. It added a whole new layer of musical detail, but I noticed a layer of upper-midrange glare. I was prepared to look elsewhere.  

Then I realized the glare – which turned into some seriously bad distortion on a solo piano recording – was only in the left channel. I flipped the cables to my power amp and found that the distortion stayed on the left. It was not the pre-amp after all – the higher resolution of the RP-1 revealed a problem with my power amp!

So now I was faced with a larger upgrade, both the Modulus 2B and my (also ancient) Forte Audio 1A amp. Unfortunately my budget hadn’t grown! I went looking for a highly-regarded inexpensive power amp. And that lead me to the STA-200 and, ultimately, to this thread.

The discussion of the STA-200’s sensitivity, and aberyclark and jetter’s experience in solving the problem with pre-amp noise ended up being crucial. Because I had exactly that problem – when I first hooked up the RP-1 and the STA-200, the noise floor was, well, more like a noise ceiling. Tube hiss was clearly audible from my listening position and, although the music through the RP-1 and STA-200 sounded great (dynamic, rhythmic, detailed and supple) the hiss was there every time the music got quiet or silence appeared. Not only that, but any RP-1 volume setting above about 17 (60 being full gain) was too damn loud for my room.

I immediately bought a Schiit SYS, just like aberyclark and jetter. As soon as I popped it between the RP-1 and STA-200, and dialed down the gain to 12 o’clock, the hiss was gone. But not the music. I’m running the volume control at anywhere from 25 – 35 now, so I haven’t even begun to max out the RP-1’s gain. I am very, very satisfied.

So thank you for your contributions to this discussion, especially aberyclark and jetter. I greatly appreciate your help!