Luxman Integrated - What do they sound like

Hi Everyone,

I'm considering getting myself a late 2018 Christma present or early 2019 birthday present.

Modern Luxman reviews are really hard to come by, and are generally just superlative without being very qualitative. I mean, it's all "rah rah rah!! " and no actual details.
For anyone who has listened to them lately, can you tell me what they actually sound like in comparison to other nice amps I might have heard?

Thank you,


Thanks for the update, since no one corrects old stories, I was going from what I had read online.

I hope there isn't an ugly backstory.

I thought I read that Accuphase was a lot more expensive in the US than in Japan due to their US distributor. Is this still true, or was I confusing it with Luxman?

@erik_squires It is Accuphase that is a lot more expensive in the US than Luxman. It used to be that Luxman was quite a bit more pricey than in Japan as well but following a change in the US distributor, the prices came down quite drastically.