BUY Bryston!!!!!

My 18yo Bryston  amp stopped  playing on the left channel , I sent it to the  Vermont repair center,with in 4 days I had it back repaired like new(no charge, they paid shipping back) Mean time I was rearranging my other components to make room for an extra T.T. I took the feet off my Bryston power supply to lower it when I reinstalled the feet I used a longer screw and screwed into the circuit board shorting out the power supply !!! I called Bryston and sent it to them ,they saw what happened when they opened the power supply,called me , and said that they were repairing the unit no charge even though I caused the problem myself !They said(Don't remove the feet any more) What great customer service !!!!!You can call them direct, they always pick up the phone and you talk to a tech  ! ONE Very good company!!   T.Y.
Update on my PS Audio experience: they just solved the remote-control problem by sending me--free of charge--a new remote for their Stellar Gain Cell pre-amp that works on my PCA-2. Speaks volumes that they spent so much time and effort on a customer whose product was out of warranty. Outstanding. PS Audio and Bryston are the best examples of stellar customer service. 
To the folks that are saying to add brand X to the list, let’s not get carried away. Bryston has a 20 year warranty. That’s what sets them way above any other company.

Yes your brand may have fixed something for you out of warranty, but you have no idea how many customers they refused to do that for. Bryston repairs it no questions asked up to 20 years. If your 19 year old component develops a problem, they will fix it, pay the return shipping and even give you a proper shipping box if needed. So unless your brand X has a 20 year warranty, they’re not in the same category.

And to the dealer that admitted to kissing off some of his worst customers every year, I really respect that. Some audiophile customers really are not worth dealing with and life is too short to put up with them. Kudos to you for that.
It’s great to hear all of these wonderful experiences and to be honest I’ve had several great experiences with them as well but not with their amplifiers, only with their digital products. I had a pair of 7B SST2’s where one amplifiers bias went off and the amp would get very hot - to extreme temperatures, sent them both back and they were repaired under my 20 year warranty and shipped back for free. One was always running hotter than the other so not sure how they would say they were actually matched as monoblocks but oh well.... then bought 28B SST2’s and they made a loud buzzing noise, sent them back and the ground trace on the input boards on both amplifiers had been wiped out. They said that it was because I used a 2 prong plug - I don’t have a 2 prong plug! Also, Bryston amps sound unnerving when you cycle them on, a loud transformer buzz that sounds like you are firing up Frankenstein for the first time comes from them. Spoke to James Tanner about my issues and found him arrogant to deal with, uninterested in my problems even though I have spent over $40,000 on their products. Went to the dealer I bought the amps from and they had dropped Bryston, went to the last remaining dealer in my city and they just dropped them as well. Both sited that James was terrible to deal with. My city has had Bryston representation since I got into audio as a teen back in the early 80’s - not any longer. Bryston amps also have that veiled, not as open sonic signature that sounds syrupy, I thought by reading the reviews that the 28’s would solve this but they all sound the same. Not bad but not the best solid state that the reviewers claim them to be. Not even close. A look inside them shows few innovations except for newer technology components compared to other manufacturers selling for the same price. Would never buy an analog component from them again, just my 2 cents...
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