Spatial vs Pure Audio Project

I have been very interested in both of these open baffel designs.  Has anyone heard or compared these two brands? I am not sure which price range I would be buying in yet.  Anyone with any feedback good or bad please comment.
Anyone one else with experience with either or both brands and what you liked or disliked about them?

I love my X2s.  They dig deep, and image incredibly, even though my space is less than optimal. 

They were expensive, though - they made me upgrade my 20-year-old DAC and transport, and have my Krell rehabbed.  They made me!  I had no choice! :)

And yes, Mr. Shaw is terrific.
Just pulled the trigger on a pair of M3 Turbo S's. Can wait to experience the open baffle design although I am a bit hesitant with them being so different than a box speaker.