I had initially looked at all the cool aftermarket Linn LP12 parts such as the various sub chassis, top plates and motors. Since I am across the pond in the US and the LP12 does not have as much exposure these days, I felt it would be easier to work with my dealer with standard Linn parts but with the custom plinth.
The nice thing about the LP12 is there are many options and I personally have enjoyed learning about the history of the LP12 and what all the various upgrades and options do. Will help make better and more informed choices.
Thanks to those who chime in. All your thoughts are very appreciated and helpful.
The nice thing about the LP12 is there are many options and I personally have enjoyed learning about the history of the LP12 and what all the various upgrades and options do. Will help make better and more informed choices.
Thanks to those who chime in. All your thoughts are very appreciated and helpful.