CD Got Absolutely Crushed By Vinyl

No comparison, CD always sounds so cold and gritty. Vinyl is so much warmer, smoother and has better imaging and much greater depth of sound. It’s like watching the world go by through a dirty window pane when listening to a CD. Put the same LP on the turntable and Voila! Everything takes on more vibrancy, fullness and texture. 
bsmg, no one wants you to forsake your analog music production. Can you grasp that concept? If yes, good.  

Next concept.  The world  is not all about you.  I'm guessing you'll have more trouble with that one.
tomcy, you are absolutely right; how could I be so blind.....thinking it " not all about you" when, in fact, tomcy, it's all about YOU. And thanks for your psychoanalysis. I'll have four digital chickens and an analog Coke.
bsmg said "it will reward you in your own mind eventually". At my house that is the mind that counts.
bsmg,  No, it's not all about me.  I learned long ago that the world couldn't care less about me.  Well it could, but we're talking about micro particles  of caring, for all practical purposes it couldn't care less.

pigdog,  Yes.  In your home what matters is what you like.  Same for bsmg.  If you enjoy analog and dislike digital, then enjoy analog as much as you can and keep digital out.  Don't even let it be mentioned.

However, when we get out into the wider world, you will come across people who have decided that digital sounds better or works better for them for whatever reason.  These people are not idiots or enemies, they are just people who listen to a different audio format.  

There's just something about human nature that makes us want to choose up sides and fight, though.  Maybe it's our tribal origins.  

There are analog systems that sound better than a lot of digital systems and digital systems that sound better than a lot of analog systems.  Many people enjoy listening to both analog and digital. There's no right or wrong, only personal preference or circumstance.