Upgrading from the 30.1s is a challenge due to the lack of criticism regarding Harbeth speakers in general.
Some of the above comments suggest that the bigger models in the range will give you more of the same as to what the M30.1s will give you. Alan Shaw has stated that he had tried to get the SLH5+ to sound a little more open than its predecessor (SLH5).
However, these improvements seem to be of an incremental nature rather than anything dramatic. Heck! I've even read reviews where the diminutive P3ESRs have been compared to the mighty M40s.
There really does seem to be a family sound between the models where even the M models (monitor series) share an affinity with the rest of the line. I guess it's natural enough given that all models share the same material for the main driver and that the cabinets also share a similar construction design.
So it looks like it's down to the SLH5s or if funds allow, the M40.1s. I've read that they work really well for nearfield listening. Or just stay with the M30/1s which share the same tweeter as the M40.1s. Here's a great write up on the M40.2s.
https://www.whatsbestforum.com/threads/harbeth-monitor-40-2.25222/I'd be very surprised if the original Quads were an upgrade. They certainly didn't impress in my system. A totally different kind of sound, comfortable with even mids, but somehow sounded challenged at both frequency extremes.