I read the following statement wrong so I'll try to answer it again.
"You are comparing 2 amplifiers that obviously have differences other than max power and saying it is definitely because they have more power. It seems you jump to a lot of conclusions."
Actually, I made no such claim! I offered this example as a counter to your implication that simply because a speaker HAD a ton of amplifier power that it NEEDED the power. I simply offered a concrete example as to why Avantegaurde WOULD install a 250watt amp versus the argument that it NEEDED one.
My initial response to this statement was offering a reason as to why the amp with more power would sound better.
"You are comparing 2 amplifiers that obviously have differences other than max power and saying it is definitely because they have more power. It seems you jump to a lot of conclusions."
Actually, I made no such claim! I offered this example as a counter to your implication that simply because a speaker HAD a ton of amplifier power that it NEEDED the power. I simply offered a concrete example as to why Avantegaurde WOULD install a 250watt amp versus the argument that it NEEDED one.
My initial response to this statement was offering a reason as to why the amp with more power would sound better.