Which would you choose; Pass 250.8, arc 75SE or luxman m900u?

Current amp great soundstage but not exciting.
Shocking a post from audiotroy where what he sells is better,  and Pass is "too warm".

While I could care less if you buy Pass, not sure where this "too warm" thing comes from?  It's not like Pass sounds like conrad johnson, old school McIntosh etc.

In fact, it's almost impossible to find an even luke "warm" review of the new Pass .8 series.  (Ok, hard to find many bad reviews by publications anyways, but I digress)

It's not a old school Krell with lows and highs peaked, but it sure seems like many MFG, including Krell with their new "XD" upgrade are trying to do exactly what Pass does - excellent midrange.

Oh yeah, and his post comes off as straight up promotion.

I wonder what a dealer that sells both Luxman and T+A would say? That’s right, very few dealers come in here and straight up promote constantly.
Polluting every post with a sales pitch....   He bought three pieces and now he's a Krell dealer...   
I guess so trudat we advised the op to purchase a used amp not from us so self serving of us. 

Considering we also sell Epicons means nothing either about how they sound and what gear works well with them either. 

So to recap we told the OP to purchase a used T plus A amp from an ex dealer.

We sell Epicons so we just might know what works with them.

So i guess both you Trudat and Oddfioyl are arm chair quarterbacks i dont think either one of you own Epicons do you?

Dave and Troy 
Audio Doctor Dali dealers
Go with Luxman great sounding.  A friend has a T+A and he is in regrets, nothing special as some here would suggest. Obviously a dealer will tell you otherwise.