Which would you choose; Pass 250.8, arc 75SE or luxman m900u?

Current amp great soundstage but not exciting.
trudat "The problem I, and many have had is your veiled, and at times not so veiled attempts to promote constantly. Much more so than other dealers out here."

Hey pal, you joined this site 4 days ago, and every one of your post have been criticizing audiotroy. Who are you to tell anyone what problems we have had with him?  
I know the ARC75se very well plus the luxman. I’ve never been a fervent ARC guy but it truly is superlative with plenty of slam, extended highs and very detailed with a wonderful midrange. Total high end piece. 
I also know the Luxman amp as well as i have one in my home right now(and the ARC). It too is at the highest level of the other camp, SS.  It’s plenty smooth without giving up an ounce of detail. The unit has under 20hrs on it but still it’s really good. I would call it very transparent and musical but not warm at this point. 
i have a little experience with pass but it’s hardly definitive. i auditioned in home a 250.8 but was not inspired to purchase it. i believe, but it’s just an opinion, that the pass was not as detailed or exciting to listen to as are the Lux and Arc.YMMV
to correct an item from above. the luxman lists for 15k not 19k. most audio gear is overpriced but the m-900u looks the part and has the sound to back it up. it’s a beauty. 
ref 75se’s used or demo for the going rate of 6k or so may be one of the best buys in audio with performance to match anything within its power range. my apologies for being so verbose.
Like anything audio, it comes down to opinion.

As for overpriced - oh I suspect most of it is!

No question Nelson voices his amps to have a house sound.  I'm a fan, I have a 250.8.  But I try to give some context.  I want a live sound, I listen to rock, blues, reggae.  I like a big sound, I do NOT like every single cymbal to come forward.  But I do like a nice thick midrange, a very coherent sound and my bass a little "hot".  Excitement however - that I do really, really love. I will sacrifice pinpoint imaging for a "live, big sound)

I've heard Dali's, but not my cup of tea so I can not comment there. Good speaker, not for me.

I think the ARC stuff actually punches pretty well for a tube amp. I heard them pushing some DynAudio Contour 30's and they were slamming in the bass.  

Luxman - gorgeous old school stuff.  I think the tone/loudness controls on the preamps are very useful for many.

The amps - way cool looking.  Some of my favorite.  I finally heard them just this past week at a friends house.  Very nice amp, maybe a bit "airy" for my tastes.  Compared to another he had (BAT) the bass wasn't quite as deep, powerful, or punchy.  The highs were more defined and more delicate.

So, I think for the Dali's - either the ARC or Pass might help the excitement level.

(I have a Pass 250.8, XP12, and just acquired some Ohm Walsh 5000's, I really dig the combo but I'll admit its a bit different set-up than many "audiophiles" would use.).  

Or, time to demo some speakers, what amp/pre/source do you have currently Roxy?
Troy is the energizer bunny of self promotion. He's been doing it for years. Lately, the moderators have been deleting my posts re Troy--but they don't delete his promotional posts which either laud his wares or backhand the competition. It is truly a sad outcome.