SR UEF Blue Power cables

Looking to purchase the Synergistic Research UEF Blue power cable.
Would like some feedback on this cable. I will not be using them on critical components. I know they will sound better than the stock ones and look better.
Any feedback will be appreciated.
Thanks tomg95123 for the feedback. I received my 3 cables last week. I will not be able to hook them up yet. Had a hell of an earthquake up here in Alaska a few weeks ago. My system got bounced around a lot. Not sure if anything got damaged. I'm looking forward to getting them hooked up when I put my system back together. 
Wow - sorry you had to go thru that. I'm from the SF bay area. I was just flying back in with my new bride on Oct 17, 1989 when the big Loma Prieta quake hit us. We were about 45 minutes out of San Jose when they made the announcement on the plane.
@joenies @tomg95123 @shkong78I

I was considering purchasing three of these SR Blue power cables for my Core Power Equicore1200 balanced power unit, EVS modded Oppo 205 with the upgraded Power supply by EVS and my modded Bada Purer 3.3 Hybrid integrated amp. Just wondering how you all are liking SR Blue cables at this point? Other cables I am considerIng are the Audioquest Thunder or Cerious Technology Marix. I hear those two cables are excellent but also very stiff and another 200 dollars more per cable. I currently have a SR Black cable on my ampand it is pretty comparable to the other two power cables in my system.  Would you say the new SR Blue cable is as much better than than the SR Black cable as the SR Blue fuse is compared to the SR Black fuse?
@tuffy72561  I have one of the Matrix cord feeding my regenerator and very pleased with it. I'm considering cords for my amps and looking at both the UEF Blue or Cerious as well. I'd be eager to hear any info you hear regarding these 2 cords
After using SR Blue cables for 4 months, I am still happy with their speed and transparency.

But unfortunately, I can not compare them with SR Black or Cerious cables since I had not used latter.

Choice of cable is dependent on system and personal taste.

Highend Audio offer 30 day's return on SR Blue cables.

You have to try yourself to find out.