Tube pre for class d recommendations

Would anyone care to share their experience running a tube preamp in front of some Class d amps?
I just ordered a used ARC LS26 from an Audiogon dealer to mate up with my Wyred 4 Sound ST-1000 MKII. I should be able to share some impressions next week. 
Hello big_greg,

I’ve read that tubes, when pushed hard, tend to add even order harmonics to source signals while solid-state tends to add odd order harmonics.
Both are inaccuracies, but we perceive even order harmonics as pleasing to the ear as a sense of warmth while we perceive odd order harmonics as unpleasing without a sense of warmth and more a sense of neutrality or even brightness when excessive.
I’ve tried a few newer ARC preamps in my system but not the LS26. I wouldn’t describe any of the ARC preamps I demoed as warm.
Swapping out the stock tubes for aftermarket ones, however, could add varying degrees of warmth depending on the brand and type of tubes used, if that’s you’re goal.
Just thought you’d like to know,


Thanks for the comments. 

I'm not trying to warm up anything with the LS26.  I expect the LS26 to be detailed and revealing.  I currently have a Jolida Fusion tube preamp in that system and it's pretty good, but I don't think it's letting all the music through and isn't truly balanced like the LS26. 

I have combined the Wyred 4 Sound amp I use in that system with my Modwright LS100 and it sounded wonderful.  I expect the LS26 to be similar, and if so, it will be an improvement over the Jolida.

     Great to hear you're wanting the ARC LS26 to be detailed and revealing because that's what I experienced with some newer ARC preamps in my system.  They sounded more like very good ss preamps to me.    Hopefully, the all tube ARC and Jolida combination will be to your liking

Best wishes,