Speaker Suggestions


I am looking to upgrade my front speakers (part of my home theater) from Bowers & Wilkins CM8 to the next level. I have narrowed it down to:

Revel C206
Focal 926 
B&W 804 S

Can you please provide some recommendations? I am looking for New/Used in the $2K to $3K range. Thanks
You really should hear them. I doubt you will be disappointed.
From what I’ve seen from Vandersteen on Stereophile, they sound pretty good, but imaging isn’t great and have dampened bass. However, no harm in demoing (just make sure it’s in a room size and seating distance that would be similar to yours).
Your impressions of Vandy's 
 imaging isn’t great and have dampened bass,
Is something I disagree with, and one I think most Vandy owners would, too.
With proper setup, their imaging is great.
As for bass, Yes, a 1ci vs a 3a sig won't go as low, but you can incorporate the Vandy subs and get as low as you can go, at a great price ( I know, as I am selling mine in order to get the new Sub 3's). One of the benefits is that the crossover relieves the amp from the power draining low frequencies, so you can use a less powered amp and still get great bass.
How large is your room?