I'm currently using:
Roon on RaspPi, hifiberry digi+ pro, iFi AUDIO iPower power supply
Shunyata ZTRON Anaconda Digital Cable
SimAudio Moon 380D DSD
Shunyata ZTRON Anaconda XLR
SimAudio 740P
Shunyata ZTRON Anaconda XLR
Pass 250.8
Shunyata ZTRON Anaconda Speaker Cable
Spendor D9s
and various Shunyata power cables
My Raspberry Pi based streamer seems out of place compared to the other components :) Music still sounds amazing through it though and it works like a champ with Roon.
Roon on RaspPi, hifiberry digi+ pro, iFi AUDIO iPower power supply
Shunyata ZTRON Anaconda Digital Cable
SimAudio Moon 380D DSD
Shunyata ZTRON Anaconda XLR
SimAudio 740P
Shunyata ZTRON Anaconda XLR
Pass 250.8
Shunyata ZTRON Anaconda Speaker Cable
Spendor D9s
and various Shunyata power cables
My Raspberry Pi based streamer seems out of place compared to the other components :) Music still sounds amazing through it though and it works like a champ with Roon.