Looking for suggestions on best small footprint speaker under $4K

i’m a long time 2 channel system guy that rekindled his  interest in music and Is looking to upgrade speakers.    I just currently upgraded from a small  tube amp to a 150 W Krell amp and have really enjoyed the improved response from my  7 year old KEF LS50’s.     My favorite Brands of speakers over the years have been Maggie’s and B&W.   I have also downsized  homes and size of speaker is an issue.     Looking for the best sounding speaker for jazz and lite rock.    Attractive cabinets are important to me so I don’t like the looks of golden ear speakers..   25 years ago I loved Vandersteen speakers but they were just not attractive.

As I begin my search what would yoou suggest.   I have started looking at Monitor Audio and Salk but have not heard any.  My budget is $4K.

i appreciate your feedback.

Miami, everything you are saying(small footprint, jazz/light rock, tube amps) points to Totem, I'll add to the other Totem recommendations.  The Totem Hawks are really amazing.  They pay attention to every single detail from the density of the mdf, point to point crossover wiring instead of circuit boards, silver plated internal wire(different wire for each speaker in their line up), even super expensive WBT 0763 speaker binding posts.

Look up the WBT's, and while you're at it, look up the woofer they selected for the Hawks, the Scanspeak Revelator 15W driver.  This is a 5.5 inch driver that can hit down below 35 Hz with Totem's modifications.  Everything they do with this speaker is music first, not sales or profit first.  You gotta try this speaker.

I've had several of their bookshelf models right up to the Sky, which goes for almost $2000 but this Hawk model eats it for lunch in every way.  
Looking for suggestions on best small footprint speaker under $4K

They can be got for around that price now used, if your lucky and a good haggler, and that’s a pair of Sonus Faber Extrema’s old, (new will cost you a kidney), best stand mount speaker I have ever heard, with bass that floor standers can’t match and a tweeter that’s still regarded as the best, but they like a very good amp.

Cheers George