Why not horns?

I've owned a lot of speakers over the years but I have never experienced anything like the midrange reproduction from my horns. With a frequency response of 300 Hz. up to 14 Khz. from a single distortionless driver, it seems like a no-brainer that everyone would want this performance. Why don't you use horns?
Mapman, it took me a few years to minimize the box resonance from the boxes. Simply, I used test tones with a microphone/spl meter, my feel of the box and my ears, as well as a wide range of music to come up with my mods. I originally started with a brace at the front corners of the bass horns. I than used some resonant free aluminum bars(found at a surplus parts place in town),applying them one pair at a time. Until they passed my criteria. The wife is ok with them, because of the paint and vinyl tile I have used to make them room friendly. Some of these bars face horizontal,some vertical. I had done another pair prior, but overdamped the boxes. Not much more to say. MrD
Mapman, to answer the last part of your question. The resultant sound is to my ears musically perfect. The Lascala was designed to to be listened to from very very far away. I listen about 14 feet away, which at the volume levels I like to listen, I was hearing the boxes, which now I do not. Very clean and quick throughout the spectrum. MrD
Prez, I got your email. Funny you should call me a complete and utter fool when I clearly demonstrated your idea about power doubling when an amp is paralleled is wrong. The link to BAT said nothing about the difference in the amps except one has more power. Distortions do not average.

This is going nowhere because you can't admit these basic ideas are true.

Please quit bothering me.

"Mine are as crystal clear and utterly precise as anything you have ever heard and in all likelihood significantly more so." - Macrojack

I can appreciate your enthusiasm for horns. I really can.
But this statement can not be supported in any manner since you do not have first hand experience with what I have heard.
Nor do I have the benefit of hearing your system.
So, on this we are at an impasse.
Fortunately this is fine. I'll continue to keep an open mind, try to learn whatever I can from you and your fellow enthusiast, and wait for the day that I hear a horn I can truly appreciate.
Herman, if you had read the website you would see what I am talking about. Two amps with the same gain but different rated output power into the same load. The only difference being the number of PARALLELED output devices.
Given this comes from a well respected and established company whose designer has credentials far beyond what is adequate for HiFi and certainly your own, I find it humorous that you continue to ridicule me.
I know nothing but what I have learned from other highly qualified individuals.

If you would like me to quit "bothering" you then stop the insults and respond to this concrete example.
Or, just be quiet. Or must have the last word?