If you want to get the best of your transport, try this.


I had used these three roller blocks under CEC TL0x for 5 years about 15 years ago and now I am using them under Jay's Audio CDT2 Mk2.

There are two different balls. If you can afford, the super ball is recommended for more effect.

With these roller blocks, transport give higher resolution and sharper focus.

I think it's effect is more than good digital cables.

But I recommend combination of roller blocks and good digital cable to get the best of your transport.

Buffer with skip protection. Do you have an issue playing a CD on a modern-ish car (many current models don’t have them anymore) while driving? No? Then why would a CD player with minimal vibrations in a home environment be worse?

You can literally drill a hole in a CD and no data will be lost, lots of technology is in place to make sure a CD/DVD/Blu-ray is read correctly.

Oh, and before you suggest, a CD knows if it’s not reading correctly due to vibrations and whatnot (that’s how skip protection is able to work), so no vibration-altered data is present in the buffer.
Oh, we were talking about car CD players? Bring back the Walkman! 🏃🏻‍♂️
I did!
It is in my main rig right now, sitting on three little rubber feet ( $0 from my stash).
And tbh it sounds way better than it did in my second rig so some good synergy going on right now.
Again thx GK!
@mzkmxcv the CD may not skip and it will be listenable when the player is subjected to vibration.But it is definitely not able to track accurately and there will be missing information.It's been demonstrated,measured, and proven time and again.We can all enjoy discmans,car stereos,and boomboxes.But to hear all of the information on a disc we try to eliminate all external interference we possibly can.It is measurable and easily heard when using decent well made cabling and steps are taken to eliminate vibration.It doesn't take $$$ to achieve it.