Overwhelmed and under experienced...

This post is in regards to power cables. Hoping for a bit of insight.
I’m relatively new to "better" audio. 18 to 24 months at best.
My system consist of Oppo 203. A Marantz 7012 with Voodoo Vision Digital. A Monolith 5X200 RMS amplifier (unit power cable is in question for) with factory cable. Tekton Design Impact towers for front channels and PSB towers for rear channels. SVS subwoofer with a Voodoo Powerwave power cable.
I run Morrow Audio MA2 interconnects and SP6 speaker cables.
With the exception of the Monolith being plugged straight in to a Cruzefirst receptacle in the wall everything else is run thru a Shunyata PS8 connected to the wall using a Shunyata Venom HC power cable.
My system is used roughly 50/50 for music and home theatre. Music is 95% steamed from Tidal using a Supra Cat8 ethernet from router to the Marantz.
I am currently looking to replace the Shunyata Venom HC I had been using for the Monolith amplifier that was moved to the Shunyata PS8.
Lately I have come across an overwhelming amount of interesting options. Everything from an individual named Marcus Tunis on US Audiomart selling Black Shadow cables (4 runs of mil-spec silver over copper with Acrolink poly rhodium plated terminations) at $300 for 3 ft. to a Lessloss DFPC original at $275 directly from Lessloss. A customer return he stated. Also on the short list is a Shunyata Delta NR at $625 new from Thecableco (my customer discount price).
There have been many others that I have read about. To many to mention.
Question is, how does one choose? I know AWG size isn’t everything. Geometry matters as well. Would I really notice that much of a benefit from the extra money spent for the Shunyata Delta NRs noise reduction? 
I’m overwhelmed!

Many have touted the benefit of having a cable "loom" which uses all the same cables for each piece of equipment. I can't speak to this per se but I have gone to all Silnote power cables in my system and they seem to work just fine. They are good quality and don't cost an arm & a leg. I suggest finding what you like in your system and work toward making them all the same. That's my two cents.
IMO any well made heavy gage power cable with tight fitting connectors and is flexible enough for your application will do the job.I used to have Venoms also and noticed no difference between them and the stock cords.Plus they're too stiff.Cabledyne Synergy is what I have now at $200 each.The sound became clear,clean,and quieter.
The GIK diffusers and art panels are beautiful and would fit into any living space.I've got some on order that should be here next month and will start a thread about the results later.I've been fooling around with homemade (ugly) treatments for a while.They definitely make a big positive difference.
If Audience is too laid-back, then look at Wywires; lively and realistic. I'll mention VH Audio again...many PCs offered, both off the shelf and custom built. I purchased a 10awg Furutech for about $400.


I have been curious about any benefit that could be had from running all the same manufacturers wires and cables. I've only heard reference to doing so a couple of times. Never came across where there were individuals truly touting the benefits of it in their personal systems. 

I have read that some believe in the philosophy of speaker cables first and power cables last. Most recently I seem to be noticing more taking notice of advanced (active noise reduction,  better geometry etc.) power cabling and changing that philosophy to power cables first, interconnects second and speaker cables last. Reasons seem to imply that as you work your way out it's possible to compensate and dial in more of the desired sound you are looking for. 

"If I were king" is how I'm approaching some of these issues.

We're all chasing something we want to hear out of our systems. Your frustration is pretty easy to understand. For every idea or opinion you come across you can always find a contrary view. Then finally it comes done to certainty yet it all depends on taste, room, equipment etc

I'm not in hurry and sort of cheap. Doing lots of reading of threads, articles, etc. Starting to find a few people that seem to have similar gear and tastes. Found someone that likes a cable I do for the same reason,  but they upgraded to something they liked more. I want to know more about all the other peices as i expect it might be a good fit for me.

So if I were king, there would be lots of pretty inpessive upgrades coming,  but alas I have more wants than means. 

I've narrowed down about 3 options for each upgrade and I watch for them. I'd love to get rid of my factory mono block power cords but this Saturday a stellar deal appeared on a Graphene PC that I could never afford. It arrives tomorrow and will go to the regenerator and that cord goes to the Dac. 

Have fun and take your time figuring out what is really gonna make a change in your gear. I want all my upgrades to be monumental not just incremental