How to download Topping DX3 Pro Drivers from Topping website

I´m going bananas trying to download the latest firmware upgrade and drivers for the DX3 and I´m gettin´all the time this message:
' Too many requests
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How in hell i´m going to install the drivers when DX3 Pro arrives?

Has anyone got the drivers and the firmware upgrade to solve the `clicks' when changing source?
I would be eternally grateful... My Email address is :

-Cheers, community-
Hey @baybars -
I'd raise that up with them, or at the MassDrop discussion site.

However, from what I've read, the new DACs are shipping with updated firmware which fixes previous functional issues. It won't make it sound better, just will be less annoying. :)

erik_squires Thanks a lot,,,
The only driver regarding DX3 Pro I´m able to download, is V4.47, which I guess is the latest USB driver version...Hopefully.