Mcintosh MC250 ( Does this look like some of the caps have been replaced)??

Just purchased this and was wondering if the blue caps and the one GE one look like they have been replaced? See anything else??

Also that number stamped into the frame is that the serial number?

UPdate found the SN on the faceplate (see last pix)

SN is 59L31 any ideas on build date?

That big, blue Phillips should have been either a GE or Mallory, in a can. So- those and the 470uF caps: yep, new. The multi-section, GE, can cap, may be original. The white, film caps look original. The power output boards(mounted under the output heatsinks) have one 470uF, 4V, electrolytic each(C11 and 12). The ones in your pics are original. You might want to replace those(6.3V caps are fine).
I had a 250
the blue cap topside is definitely not stock, my guess is the GE is stock
the interior purple caps are also new.
the amp was designed to replace the venerable 240, so the sonics for early SS are actually pretty good - sins of omission....I used mine while rebuilding my 240
accounted itself well driving 3 ohm Apogee Stage.
have fun
enjoy the music