Digital has made great strides ,and many dacs have custom analog output stages as well as very well designed power supplies which were often overlooked.even the digital cables have come a long way in 10 years ,bits are notjust bits.
digital noise or artifacts better know as jitter is finally much bettter understood.
there are still a lot of Audiophiles who get sucked in with the numbers game
such as DSD which can be very good but not much for offerings.and 48/192, when in fact most digitalis in 24/96.
all the terminology about sampling,oversampling is many times a marketing ploy.
it can make a difference if designed properly but there are so many ways to implement a digital design .
Unless you are a digital engineer you just have to trust your ears.
some of the best digital I ever heard was the now rare Multibit dacs like the BB 1704 ladder dacs which were individually tested which was why they were often used in pro audio.or even The old Phillips 15 series 16 bit non oversampling dacs ,they we're very natural sounding ,there are also great Vacuum Tube dacs that truly add
body And naturalness to recordings . You can spend over $100 k from DCS if you have the income to afford it. I have heard several of their lower budget stuff around $35k which was fantastic. But as Eric stated for under $2k youcan get excellent
digital performances,and who would have thought even 5 years ago that we would have highquality streaming ? And there is still Much more to come .digital now can not only match a good turntable but in many ways surpass them in several areas . Welcome to the future !!