If you want to get the best of your transport, try this.


I had used these three roller blocks under CEC TL0x for 5 years about 15 years ago and now I am using them under Jay's Audio CDT2 Mk2.

There are two different balls. If you can afford, the super ball is recommended for more effect.

With these roller blocks, transport give higher resolution and sharper focus.

I think it's effect is more than good digital cables.

But I recommend combination of roller blocks and good digital cable to get the best of your transport.
You cannot do better than mass on springs. Or as good. If you could, it wouldn’t have taken LIGO 20 years to be able to detect gravity waves. Hel-loo! But there are tricks to mass on spring. If it was easy everybody could do it.
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I have been using those under three of my TT for some time and cannot complain at all in relation to cost for effectiveness!