i am starting to think Audiogon profits off the spam...

overun by it of late...I have reported probably 30 posts for junk....

starting to think it is actually supported by audiogon..

easy fix

first 5-10 posts reviewed by moderator....before posting...

get with the program Audiogon..
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+2 @dweller . Or a variation on your idea, all 1st time posters must have their post reviewed by moderator.
@elizabeth , yes Audiogon is a great place and the mods have their hands full. But have you ever been on the forum on the overnight...after 2am EST? 

There is so much spam I've given up on reading the forum. I'm a night owl and this is my time for online reading.

I would like to add to this thread by saying  that we are aware of the annoying spam. A Moderator views the forums early each morning and takes down as many as possible. A discussion was actually started today with the Developers to finally force a solution in regards to the increase of spam. Steps were taken a few weeks ago to do so, but it is apparent now that more things  need to be done. Your help is appreciated if you see some Spam before it is removed to use the "report it" button to alert a moderator. 
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