In the long run, you will be better off learning how to setup your own cartridge. Even if a bouncy unipivot doesn't bother you like it does some, that doesn't really make it any tougher to setup a cartridge. You could always buy an inexpensive cart to get started and get your confidence up and change it when you feel that you're up to it.
Honestly, I wouldn't choose either of these tables at this price point, but if you lean to the Rega, I'd be cautious regarding the Apheta carts. A number of threads about trouble with hum, etc. with them that had no easy solution. Pretty widely documented. FWIW, I am a former VPI owner (TNT6HR, 12.6 and 12.7 arms), and would never go back to a VPI. Not looking to throw shade, but for all the VPI owners, there's also a bunch who have moved elsewhere to greater satisfaction. Cheers,
Honestly, I wouldn't choose either of these tables at this price point, but if you lean to the Rega, I'd be cautious regarding the Apheta carts. A number of threads about trouble with hum, etc. with them that had no easy solution. Pretty widely documented. FWIW, I am a former VPI owner (TNT6HR, 12.6 and 12.7 arms), and would never go back to a VPI. Not looking to throw shade, but for all the VPI owners, there's also a bunch who have moved elsewhere to greater satisfaction. Cheers,