frogman , The greatest Christian theologians all agree we are all one in the eyes of God .The general view is that true humility is knowing both you virtues and your
faults .
I have ZERO doubt that your know MUCH more about jazz and classical music than I do and I know a bit about the latter.And you, and others, ARE my better in this context . And I am glad of it just as I would if I was in Hospital
and learned my surgeon was a Harvard medical grad .
I also have no doubt that I know more about history and infantry tactics than
you .
Takes all kinds .
faults .
I have ZERO doubt that your know MUCH more about jazz and classical music than I do and I know a bit about the latter.And you, and others, ARE my better in this context . And I am glad of it just as I would if I was in Hospital
and learned my surgeon was a Harvard medical grad .
I also have no doubt that I know more about history and infantry tactics than
you .
Takes all kinds .