Weseixas: "Which maggies are we discussing?"
Duke: I probably should have picked one model and stuck to it, which I didn't do.
Weseixas: "A speaker shoot out would be interesting!"
Duke: If a "shoot-out" could be arranged that was satisfactory to both, I'd put my $4k bipolar up against the Maggie 3.6. Shoot me an e-mail if you'd like to explore further.
Weseixas: "I also cannot agree that a horn speaker will sound like a planer."
Duke: I'm not expecting you to agree without an ears-on; just hoping to show enough evidence that you'll keep your mind open to the possibility.
Weseixas: [to Macrojack]"I'm sure Duke is proud to have... you for a customer!"
Duke: I wish!! But no, Macrojack isn't a customer of mine, and now that he has a pair of Bill Woods' speakers it is extremely unlikely that he ever will be. I think he's done. Macrojack is passionate, and so are you. If you two had met anywhere other than on the internet, I bet you'd focus on what you have in common rather than where you disagree, and very quickly become friends.
Weisaxas: "Duke, Ralph, I have enjoyed the discourse and wish you both the best in such a tough business...."
Duke: Thank you sir, and I wish you the best in such a tough hobby!
Duke: I probably should have picked one model and stuck to it, which I didn't do.
Weseixas: "A speaker shoot out would be interesting!"
Duke: If a "shoot-out" could be arranged that was satisfactory to both, I'd put my $4k bipolar up against the Maggie 3.6. Shoot me an e-mail if you'd like to explore further.
Weseixas: "I also cannot agree that a horn speaker will sound like a planer."
Duke: I'm not expecting you to agree without an ears-on; just hoping to show enough evidence that you'll keep your mind open to the possibility.
Weseixas: [to Macrojack]"I'm sure Duke is proud to have... you for a customer!"
Duke: I wish!! But no, Macrojack isn't a customer of mine, and now that he has a pair of Bill Woods' speakers it is extremely unlikely that he ever will be. I think he's done. Macrojack is passionate, and so are you. If you two had met anywhere other than on the internet, I bet you'd focus on what you have in common rather than where you disagree, and very quickly become friends.
Weisaxas: "Duke, Ralph, I have enjoyed the discourse and wish you both the best in such a tough business...."
Duke: Thank you sir, and I wish you the best in such a tough hobby!