Alternatives to Stillpoints

I am using the Stillpoints Ultra SS with good success in some of my gear. Looking to complete two more sets. Then it hit me, is there anything better (preferably cheaper) out there?
I actually make a dual layer mass on spring iso stand, the Nirvana, Revelation Audio has one, it’s two stacked layers of heavy masses on springs. The trick is keeping the resonance frequency of each mass on spring layer far enough apart to avoid any untoward interaction. It’s how the big boys do it.
@ thyname, I own a 2 inch  maple shelf from Mapleshade as well, and have done extensive comparisons of different shelves over the years ( Mapleshade,  Adona, and Marigo Audio)  I meant no offense to you and apologize if I did. 
Pop quiz,

Why is a 4” maple board better than a 1” or 2” board for isolation?
No problem @yoby no offense taken. I am pretty happy with Mapleshade and don’t see myself changing anything anytime soon. Are there better things out there? Sure are, but I have to stop somewhere and be satisfied. Like with everything in life. Honestly, I had been very resistant on racks and platforms over the past 15 years or so, and only used cheap racks before from VTI and Pangea. It took getting the Samson rack locally from someone last year to change my mind. So yes, racks matter, and I do realize I can do better. But not for now. Mapleshade will do.

Ingress LV 3 roller ball & cup footers/30mm thick slate plate/a spring, in that order from top to bottom layer.

Full review coming soon.