Mahogany Rush

Hello all Frank Marino fans & all. He´s one of the very finest of Jimi Hendrix followers w/ his own sound and style.
Is there yet any pro shoot footage old or new available, maybe a DVD worth to buy. Thanks for your input
"Mick Box, Tony Iommi, Carlos Santana, Frank Zappa, etc ..."

Great pick of players there,Harold.

For awhile, I followed UFO and was a fan of Michael Schenker. I lost interest in the guitar bands once the 80's came around. Didn't get into Satch,Vai etc. 

The guitar centric bands like Dream Theater(Petrucci) and the like, didn't get my attention either. Great guitar playing, but it never grabbed my attention like the early 70's prog bands-Yes, King Crimson,ELP, Genesis...

Frank unfortunately remains under the radar with main stream, rock guitar fans.

I will always dig Franks interpretations of Jimi's work.

A bit of trivia here; How did Frank come up with the name of Mahogany Rush? BTW, Juggernaut is all killer, no filler. Love the guitar/solo on "Ditch Queen"...
I wore out my “World Anthem” during a time when I think almost nobody else I knew had ever even heard of him.   Absolutely loved that album.  When I was a kid I used to say something silly to the effect that after Jimi died his ghost (or demon maybe...) split - half entered Robin Trower and Frank Marino got the other half.