What are you streaming tonight?

As we are in the modern age of music I thought I would see how this fares.
We have threads specific for cdp and tt so why not streaming as it is a modern media.
I don't care if you stream Tidal, Deezer, Spotify, Paradise Radio or any number of internet stations.
I would like you to share your tastes and method of streaming.
Allanah Myles S/T


I can't even say Rich Corinthian Leather without tripping over my tongue....
Nice Reubent.
Going to have to look for that one.

Edit. Pooh! Not out on Tidal yet!
Neil Diamond - "Tap Root Manuscript" via Spotify. Another play of this recently rediscovered gem.
As I mentioned earlier I got that in one of my $1 buys and I cleaned it and played it Saturday I think.
It is definitely worth searching out on vinyl, the sq was excellent.